National UFO Reporting Center - September 95 Reports

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9/2/95 23:00 New York, NY Two males leaving concert in Central Park witness strange moving light close to E. horizon. Moved very precisely, turned, vanished.
9/3/95 22:30 Virginia Beach, VA Man & wife witness twinkling light to east. It "drifted left, moved, then disappeared." (Possible star?)
9/4/95 22:30 Colorado Springs, CO Man repts. witnessing a "bright star" in night sky, with white, red, green, blue colors. Began to move, then suddenly disappeared.
9/5/95 Mercer Island, WA Young woman repts. seeing large object--"10 times the size of an airplane"--above. (Facts unconfirmed. No written rept.)
9/5/95 23:00 Boise, ID Three adults witness what appears to be "a straight line of 5-7 lights" hovering motionless in sky. Definite, distinct colors.
9/8/95 6:35 Portland, OR Man relays radio repts. about large, bright object, "diameter of full moon," seen over W OR. Vis. through overcast, beeping sound!
9/9/95 19:05 Lake Oswego, OR Man sees w/ binocs. motionless, white obj.. Suddenly disappears then reappears in other part of sky. Red, metallic in appearance.
9/9/95 22:50 Silverdale, WA Man outside smoking witnesses 3 "dull orange" circular craft streak overhead to west. Each approx. 1/4 diameter of full moon.
9/10/95 12:35 Las Vegas, NV Man, wife, son witness tiny, milk-white sphere hovering in cloudless sky. Streaks off to NW. 15 min. later see silver disc overhead.
9/10/95 22:00 Auburn, WA Young woman sees "black boomerang w/ dim lights" descend in sky. Then, she w/ 5 friends, see triangular ship w/ 5 lights hovering.
9/11/95 16:25 Salt Lake City, UT FAA controller, 5 airline employees witness 6 very bright objects streaking N to S in western sky. No radar returns.! Exclnt report!!
9/11/95 22:15 Las Vegas, NV Man repts. bright, multi-colored obj. in NW night sky. Disappeared while he was in house.
9/11/95 23:23 Whitefish, MT Man & wife witness cluster of lights move along hor. to NE near Salish Mtn. Obj. suddenly "fires" 4 " bolts of light" at mtn. twice.
9/11/95 23:30 New London, CT FAA controller repts. seeing extremely bright "meteor" streak almost straight down to southern horizon. "Prob. visible over L. Isl."
9/12/95 8:58 Leadville, CO Several adults, waiting for tourist bus, witness 2 tiny metallic-looking objects in daytime sky. Objs. suddenly streak off to W & NE.
9/12/95 10:21 North Haven, CT Woman observes bizarre object hovering motionless in cemetary. Looked like "large, bright red bicycle helmut w/ speckles on it."
9/12/95 21:15 W. New Brunswick, NJ Woman sees "yellow orange disc" streak overhead as she exits NJ Turnpike at Exit 15E. Obj. larger in appearance than full moon.
9/12/95 23:50 Orangeburg, NY Young couple witness "yellowish white" disc approach their location on remote mtn. top. Streaks off, returns w/ 2nd smaller obj.!
9/13/95 0:10 Corpus Christie, TX Man out walking sees bizarre obj., w/ pulsing red light on top, beaming light on house! Obj. was approx. 1/2 block distant.
9/13/95 0:20 Tallahassee, FL Two men witness "large white disc, w/ slight yellow tinge, larger than full moon," move slowly across sky to S, turn. Halo around it.
9/13/95 0:30 Missoula, MT Man reports witnessing at least 15-20 strange looking objects streaking silently overhead.
9/13/95 1:39 Superior, AZ Night watchman at Magna Mine reports motionless, multi-colored obj. in night sky. (Possible star?)
9/13/95 4:25 Midvale, UT Man witnesses multi-colored obj. moving relative to nearby stars. Appeared to have two smaller objects on each side of it.
9/13/95 5:05 Potter Valley, CA Woman suddenly awakens at dawn and witnesses bright red "dot" hovering outside her window. Suddenly got larger, moved to N.
9/13/95 22:33 Silverdale, WA Man feels urge to go outside house. Briefly sees formation of 4 "bright, pale orange" objects streak overhead very fast to N horizon.
9/14/95 3:55 Mason, MI Woman sees small, white light--"like a giant lightning bug"--move along wind row of trees. Very bizarre.
9/14/95 5:05 Potter Valley, CA 2nd similar sighting. Woman sees a large, bright red/orange disc, followed by blinking sphere, streak by window 2nd day in row.
9/14/95 19:00 Clairton, PA Young woman w/ 4 friends see obj. streak out of the sky, stop, and hover in N sky. Larger than sun; orange & yellow.
9/14/95 20:40 Columbus, NB Man steps outside house to smoke, see obj. extending out over edge of roof. Sees bizarre obj. w/ solid, hazy lights streak off.
9/14/95 21:40 Douglas, AZ Young woman returning from church w/grandmother witness strange obj. w/ "flashing lghts going in circles." Cell phone had static.
9/15/95 10:25 Redmond, WA Young man w/ 2 co-workers witness tiny, distinctly white round disc drifting slowly toward NE. Flew in dir. 90 deg. to winds.
9/15/95 15:00 Seattle, WA 7 witnesses on Phinney Ridge see 4-6 tiny metallic "cigars" hovering, moving, ascending in cloudless sky. Dramatic sighting!
9/15/95 22:00 New York City, NY Woman reports many passengers aboard St. Isl. ferry witnessed huge craft rise from, roil water! Good report; under investigation.
9/15/95 22:05 New York City, NY Senior med. care exec. calls to discuss events re 09/15/95 sighting in NYC harbor. Many other responsible witnesses found.
9/15/95 22:45 Corvallis, MT Young couple witness strange "white light w/ 2 red lights" pass overhead. Object made several sharp turns, flies strangely.
9/16/95 21:15 Seattle, WA Man repts. large "vee-shaped boomerang w/ fluorescent light on leading edge" pass slowly overhead. Estimated 500' altitude.
9/16/95 23:15 Merlin, OR Woman relays report of some type of UFO sighting in town. (Limited facts.)
9/17/95 0:30 Colorado Springs, CO Man reports witnessing a gray colored "flying-wing" shaped craft flying silently overhead. Moved at steady pace.
9/17/95 20:00 Richardson, TX 2 young men tossing football on high sch. grounds witness approx. 15-20 bizarre obj. in stormy sky. Some hovered, others moved.
9/18/95 4:10 Alturas, CA Two brothers pull off highway to rest during all-night drive. One remembers experiencing strange, sharp buzzing sound; confused.
9/18/95 4:20 Wilcox, AZ Man sees oblong, white/yellow obj. streak by his car, leaving a thin "contrail." Flew toward Wilcox, turned right, flew toward Mex.
9/18/95 18:40 N. Kingston, RI Young man from Univ. of RI calls to report seeing small dot in sky that "does loop-dee-loops, blinks." Had little tail behind it.
9/18/95 20:55 Seattle, WA Woman repts. a strange light passes overhead at extremely high speed. Flew totally silently, left an "after image" in the sky.
9/18/95 21:45 Kansas City, KS Man reports seeing multiple, "see through" objects racing around sky. Claimed many calls made to local TV. (Adv. lights!)
9/19/95 5:57 Stanford, CA Woman out walking sees "round object w/ ring oriented vertically around it." Appeared in E sky, passed overhead to hor. in 30 sec..
9/19/95 22:46 Johnson City, TN Bizarre, complex sighting of multiple objs. near Tri-City Airport. Bell-shaped, hovered, maneuvered strangely. Shot light at ground!
9/19/95 23:43 Humbolt, CA USNavy Ch. Petty Off. repts. seeing "red orb under Jupiter." Obj. moved right, then left, then zipped off at very fast rate.
9/20/95 3:30 Reno, NV Man, wife, 3 relatives witness "rounded, saucer-shape" obj. overhead. Flashing white & colored lights. Moved like "bouncing ball."
9/20/95 21:00 Puyallup, WA Man repts. seeing obj. "w/ long tail, several football fields long." Left bright, broad trail in night sky.
9/20/95 23:30 Black Shear, GA Multiple, bizarre craft reported by local law enforcement officers. UFO researchers saw same objects from 30 mi. away.
9/21/95 21:00 Concordia, KS Cloud Co., KS, Sheriff's office reports "2 circular spheres, w/ revolving center," had been obtained from citizen. Many other callers.
9/21/95 23:00 Seattle, WA OR citizen on Space Needle sees 3 "dull orange lights" fly overhead. Objects performed some unusual movement in formation.
9/22/95 Virginia Beach, VA Man repts. object flew overhead, giving off "gold specks." Several neighbors witnessed event, several alarmed by it.
9/22/95 21:30 Redmond, WA Two young girls out walking, hear dogs barking, then see bizarre craft hovering nearby. Then see 4 others. Round, large, w/ lights.
9/22/95 23:30 Lake Charles, LA Man & son witness 3 bright, "neon red" objects flying overhead in tandem formation. Objs. suddenly maneuver to form triangle.
9/23/95 Washington Co., OR UFO investigator reports that his brother, a UFO skeptic, had reported seeing, with 2nd witness, a UFO within 150' of him.
9/23/95 15:45 Lake Oswego, OR Man reports seeing peculiar flashing light above house in daytime sky. Observed "black disc overgarage."
9/24/95 Maple Valley, WA Woman witnesses a "ball, a bright light, floating across sky." It "zigzagged, faded, shot straight up."
9/24/95 20:25 Boise, ID Woman calls to report seeing large, triangular-shaped, black mass hovering, moving slowly. Son sees same thing from diff. loc..
9/24/95 20:45 Scappoose, OR Three young people witness a triangular-shaped craft hovering nearby. Craft had 2 white lights, 1 red. Maneuvered slowly.
9/24/95 23:00 Lynnwood, WA Man reports seeing bright light to west of Lynnwood. (Detailed facts not taken.)
9/25/95 6:01 Salt Lake City, UT FAA controller reports seeing bright red/orange obj. streaking E to W in S sky 20 deg. above horizon. Left straight,glowing trail.
9/25/95 15:45 Lake Oswego, OR Man reports witnessing "black disc" above his garage. Obj. was "flipping. (Same person reports other sightings on other dates.)
9/25/95 20:00 Flushing, MI Man, wife, and son witness same obj.seen night before. With binoculars, obj. looks emerald, red, and brown.
9/25/95 21:18 Flushing, MI Man hears dog barking, goes outside, sees a bright "falling star." Looked like "a spider dropping on a string." (See 26SE95.)
9/25/95 22:50 Polson, MT Radio DJ reports seeing an object "strobing blue & red" in eastern sky.
9/25/95 23:00 Ronan, MT Woman & fiance' witness strange light in E sky. Was visible at 0610 hrs. same day. (Not vis. in same area of sky next night.)
9/28/95 Copley, PA Man reports 2 "white UFO's w/ red & green spinning lights" hovering N & NW of Allentown, PA.
9/28/95 21:00 Napa, CA Woman repts. seeing obj. hovering in sky to W of Napa. Claims "it blew up into 5 pieces." Obj. turquoise, w/ tower. (Unconfirmed.)
9/28/95 21:50 Las Vegas, NV Young woman witnesses "neon green & yellow" object zigzagging overhead. Dog very agitated, would not leave house.
9/29/95 12:50 San Francisco, CA Woman sees a bright white object hovering steadily in daytime sky. 1/5 size of moon. Suddenly got smaller. (Was soap bubble in sky.)
9/29/95 19:00 Sacramento, CA Man reports object with white & red lights "very close to sun and moon." (??) (Detailed facts not available.)
9/29/95 19:30 Manchester, ME Man & son driving on I-95 see strange, stationary light, then 2nd streaks up. First obj. approaches car. Son recalls details of ship.
9/29/95 19:30 Manchester, ME Mother calls to report that her son would not go to bed "until he had drawn in detail the interior of ship" he had seen that night.
9/30/95 13:30 N. Providence, RI Man reports seeing cluster of 3 objects, "like white balloons," pacing airliner in N sky. Objs. disappear, return. Change color,shape
9/30/95 23:00 Anderson, IN Young woman repts. seeing "4 very bright lights." Objs. hovered, then streaked off. (Caller failed to leave phone #.)
9/30/95 23:10 Troy, ME Man repts. obj. in night sky w/ flashing red, green, white lights. Repts. than 4 of objects suddenly "came together." (Facts unclear.)